ギフトショーLIFE&DESIGN サウナフェアに出展しました

源商店は、2022年9月7日から9日まで開催された、日本最大のギフト・生活雑貨の国際見本市「東京インターナショナルギフトショー」のLIFE&DESIGN サウナフェアゾーンに初出展しました。
Exhibited at Gift Show LIFE & DESIGN Sauna Fair
GEN SHO-TEN exhibited for the first time at the LIFE&DESIGN Sauna Fair Zone of the Tokyo International Gift Show, Japan’s largest international trade fair for gifts and household goods, held from September 7 to 9, 2022.
We exhibited all 5 colors of LOT301 SAUNA HAT TOWEL* , which will be released in the fall of 2022, and all OEM custom models in one place.
Although it was our first time to exhibit, we were able to talk with many more businesses than we had expected.
Thank you to everyone who visited our booth.
The purpose of this exhibition was threefold.
The first was to present our new products to retailers, the second was to meet with businesses that carry our sauna hat towels, and the third was to confirm whether or not we need to improve our products and to see how professionals respond to each of our products at this point in time.
The comments from the professionals who actually saw the products this time led to many discoveries and insights.
This will allow us to make improvements to the products that we actually sell.
We will be ready to sell the SAUNA HAT TOWEL so that we can bring them to you all as soon as possible.
Once again, we would like to thank everyone who greeted us at our booth and thank you for coming to our booth.
*The SAUNA HAT TOWEL has utility model registration pending and trademark registration pending.