横浜サ旅 2024始動!横浜の観光名所やサウナ施設を巡る楽しい企画がスタート!

2023年に好評を博した「横浜サ旅ビール-Helles-」発売から約1年。今年は第二弾となる【横浜サ旅ビール-Brut Pale Ale-(ブリュットペールエール)】を2024年8月5日より、横浜で限定発売開始。さらに今年はビール発売と同時に、サ旅をするほど賞品をゲットできる横浜BINGOスタンプラリー企画や、1DAYの限定スペシャルイベント横浜サ旅夏祭りなど、規模をさらに拡大し様々なイベントが同時開催されます。

横浜の観光名所やサウナ施設を巡り、『横浜サ旅ビール-Brut Pale Ale-』発売を記念し、スタンプラリーやスペシャルイベントなどの横浜サ旅特別企画を8月5日から開催!
株式会社横浜ビールは昨年、「横浜のサウナを巡って横浜を旅してもらいたい」という想いで市内のサウナ施設と、有名温浴施設をプロデュースされている、横浜在住のサウナ王 太田広氏(株式会社楽楽ホールディングス 代表取締役)と「横浜サ旅ビール」を企画しリリースしました。今年は横浜市内のサウナ施設や複数の事業者と「横浜サ旅実行委員会」を立ち上げ、コラボビール第二弾を発売と同時に横浜サ旅をさらに盛り上げる企画を推進します。

【横浜サ旅 2024】8/5〜横浜サウナを巡って「横浜サ旅ビール」が飲める!! サウナ無料券や、豪華景品がもらえるスタンプラリーなど3つの特別企画を開催!!
1.サウナ後の1杯にぴったりな期間限定オリジナルビール『横浜サ旅ビール-Brut Pale Ale-』を横浜のサウナ施設や観光スポットで8月5日(月)より順次販売開始。
2.横浜のサウナ施設や観光名所を巡ると、サウナ施設の無料招待券や豪華サウナグッズがもらえる 「横浜サ旅BINGOスタンプラリー」を 8月5日(月)より開催。
スペシャル企画1 『横浜サ旅ビール-Brut Pale Ale-』発売!
「横浜のサウナを巡って、横浜を旅してもらいたい!」そんな想いで醸造した『横浜サ旅ビール-Brut Pale Ale-』を2024年8月5日(月)から発売開始!第二弾はペールエールをベースとした「Brut Pale Ale(ブリュットペールエール)」を醸造しました。Brutとはスパークリングワインの用語で「辛口」を意味します。シャンパンの様なドライな味わいと、「ネルソンソーヴィン」というホップ由来の白ぶどうのようなフルーティな香りが、感性が研ぎ澄まされているサウナ後に合うこと間違いなし。
『横浜サ旅ビール-Brut Pale Ale-』のボトルビールは横浜市内のサウナ・入浴施設と横浜ビール本店のほか、横浜中華街のサ飯店にて販売予定です。この機会にぜひお楽しみ下さい。(※ドラフトビールはビアバー・飲食店舗でも販売予定)
【ヘッドブルワー加藤 コメント】
前回の横浜サ旅ビールに引き続き今回は「Brut Pale Ale(ブリュットペールエール)」というスタイルのビールを醸造しました。そもそもBrut IPAというビールはあるのですがBrut Pale Aleというスタイルのビールはありません。ですが今回は「サウナ後にベストな一杯」を考えた結果、スッキリでフルーティーなペールエールベースのBrutを醸造することに決めました。スッキリドライな飲み口で苦味もほとんど感じず、ネルソンソーヴィンというホップからくる白ぶどうの様なフルーティーな香りとシムコーからくるパッションフルーツの香り。味わいはシャンパンの様なドライさがあり、ネルソンソーヴィンをドライホップで使用し白ぶどうの様な香りを表現しました。シムコーというホップも加える事でフルーティーさにレイヤーが生まれます。サウナ後にぜひ楽しんで頂けると嬉しいです!
ABV :5.0% IBU :15 容量 :330ml 小売価格(税込):850円
◯ボトルビールお取り扱い場所 2024年8月5日(月)発売開始、順次出荷開始。
・スカイスパ YOKOHAMA:https://www.skyspa.co.jp
・HARE-TABI SAUNA & INN YOKOHAMA:https://hare-tabi.jp
・天然温泉 満天の湯:https://mantennoyu.com
・綱島源泉 湯けむりの庄:https://www.instagram.com/tsunashima_yukemurinosyou/
・HUBHUB横浜天王町 https://hubhub.jp/facility/yokohama-tennocho/
【横浜中華街 サ飯店】
・馬さんの店龍仙 本店
・馬さんの店龍仙 上海園
スペシャル企画2. 横浜サ旅 BINGOスタンプラリー

【横浜サ旅 BINGO スタンプラリー 企画概要】
【1ビンゴ賞】 縦・横・斜め いずれかの1ライン完成
横浜ビール(UMAYA)無料チケット または 横浜サ旅オリジナル栓抜きマグネット
【3ビンゴ賞】 縦・横・斜め いずれか3ライン完成
【コンプリート賞】 すべてのスタンプをゲットで完成
❶ 下記いずれかのサウナ施設の店頭で、「横浜サ旅BINGOスタンプカード」を入手
❷ 施設を巡ってスタンプを集め、ビンゴを目指そう!
❸ 1ビンゴ、3ビンゴで景品をゲットしよう!
❹ コンプリートしてサ活に便利なグッズをゲットしよう!(※先着・なくなり次第終了)
◯ 横浜サ旅BINGOスタンプラリー 開催施設
▽ スカイスパ YOKOHAMA:https://www.skyspa.co.jp
▽ HARE-TABI SAUNA & INN YOKOHAMA:https://hare-tabi.jp
▽ 亀遊舘:https://kiyuukan0st.wixsite.com/sento
▽ 天然温泉 満天の湯:https://mantennoyu.com
▽ 横浜マリンタワー:https://marinetower.yokohama/
▽ サウナ王のサ飯推奨店舗(鳳林、桃源邨、青葉、馬さんの店 龍仙本店、馬さんの店 上海園)
▽ 横浜ビール本店UMAYA1Fビアスタンド
▽ 横浜ハンマーヘッドのコンビニ
◯ グッズ協賛サウナブランド

スペシャル企画3. 横浜サ旅夏祭り in 満天の湯
コンテンツ盛り沢山!横浜で活躍する世界的なアウフグースマスターをお招きした熱波イベントや、サウナ王 太田氏とアンバサダー小日向あおいさんをお迎えしたトークショー、超豪華サウナ関連グッズや施設無料券が当たる「横浜サ旅祭り」を2024年8月20日(火)に開催します。
日時:2024年8月20日(火) 17:00〜22:30
場所:天然温泉 満天の湯(神奈川県横浜市保土ケ谷区上星川3丁目1-1)
料金:イベント参加料3,700円 (アウフグース別途:300~500円/1回)
※事前予約制 【満天堂】にて参加券を事前購入 https://mantennoyu.stores.jp/
HARE-TABI SAUNA & INN :https://hare-tabi.jp
天然温泉 満天の湯:https://mantennoyu.com
サウナ王 太田氏:https://www.rakurakuhd.co.jp
源商店(株式会社 GEN) https://genshoten.com https://gen-firm.jp
– Profile –
[横浜サ旅実行委員会 お問合せ先]
広報担当 スパワークス 山野 隼
・メールアドレス hay.606.hay@gmail.com
・公式サイト https://spaworks.jp/
・Instagram https://www.instagram.com/spa_works.co/
[源商店 参画の背景]
当たり前だった素材が未来への可能性の種となる壮大なチャレンジに。他にはない快適なサウナ体験を追求した「サウナハットタオル」を開発した源商店の挑戦の裏側 | PR TIMES STORY
Yokohama Sa Travel 2024: Project to Tour Yokohama’s Tourist Attractions and Sauna Facilities: Second Phase of Planning Begins August 5 – September 30, 2024
It has been about a year since the release of “Yokohama Sa-Tabi Beer -Helles-“, which was well received in 2023. This year, the second beer, “Yokohama Sa-Tabi Beer – Brut Pale Ale” will be released in Yokohama on August 5, 2024. In addition to the release of the beer, a variety of events will be held at the same time, including the Yokohama BINGO Stamp Rally, where the more you travel, the more prizes you can win, and a one-day special event, the Yokohama Sa-Tabi Summer Festival, which will be expanded in scale.
Minamoto Shoten will also participate in the Yokohama SATABIN Executive Committee from 2024 and promote the project as a member of the committee. Everyone is welcome to participate in this event, so please take this opportunity to enjoy Yokohama Sa Travel, where you can visit attractive sauna facilities in Yokohama, toast with Yokohama Sa Travel beer, and enjoy Sa Meal in Chinatown recommended by the King of Saunas.
For more details, please see below.
Yahoo News
Press release from Yokohama Beer Co.
The following is an excerpt from the press release of Yokohama Beer Co.
Yokohama Sa-Tabi 2024″ project is now underway!
A special Yokohama Sa-tabi project, including a stamp rally and special events, will be held from August 5 to celebrate the release of “Yokohama Sa-tabi Beer – Brut Pale Ale-” by touring tourist attractions and sauna facilities in Yokohama!
Last year, Yokohama Beer Co., Ltd. planned and released “Yokohama Sa Travel Beer” with Mr. Hiroshi Ota (President of Rakuraku Holdings Co., Ltd.), a sauna king living in Yokohama who produces sauna facilities in the city and famous bathing facilities, with the idea of “having people travel around Yokohama by visiting saunas in the city. This year, the “Yokohama Sa Travel Executive Committee” has been formed with sauna facilities and other businesses in Yokohama City, and the second collaboration beer will be released as well as promote plans to make the Yokohama Sa Travel even more exciting.
Yokohama Sa Travel 2024] From August 5, you can drink “Yokohama Sa Travel Beer” by visiting saunas in Yokohama! Three special events will be held including free sauna tickets and a stamp rally with great prizes!
1. “Yokohama Sa Travel Beer – Brut Pale Ale -“, a limited time-only original beer perfect for a post-sauna drink, will be available at sauna facilities and tourist spots in Yokohama from August 5 (Mon.).
2. “Yokohama Sa Travel BINGO Stamp Rally” will be held from August 5 (Mon.), offering free tickets to sauna facilities and luxury sauna goods to those who visit sauna facilities and tourist attractions in Yokohama.
3. “Yokohama Sa Travel Summer Festival” will be held on August 20 (Tue.) at Manten-no-Yu, featuring a joint male-female aufgussen with aufgussmasters who have connections to Yokohama, a bingo tournament with gorgeous prizes, and many more.
Special Event 1: “Yokohama Sa-Tabi Beer – Brut Pale Ale” will be on sale!
We want people to travel around Yokohama by visiting the saunas! Brewed with this in mind, “Yokohama Sauna Beer – Brut Pale Ale -” will go on sale on August 5, 2024 (Monday)! Brut means “dry” in the language of sparkling wine. The dry Champagne-like flavor and fruity aroma of white grapes derived from the “Nelson Sauvin” hop are sure to be a perfect match after sauna when the senses are sharp.
Bottles of “Yokohama Sa-Tabi Beer – Brut Pale Ale” will be available at sauna and bathing facilities in Yokohama City and at the main Yokohama Beer store, as well as at the Sa-Man store in Yokohama Chinatown. Please take this opportunity to enjoy it. (*Draft beer will also be sold at beer bars and restaurants.)
Head Brewer Kato comments
Following the success of the previous Yokohama Sahtabi Beer, we brewed a new style of beer called “Brut Pale Ale”. There is a Brut IPA beer, but there is no Brut Pale Ale. However, we decided to brew a Brut beer based on a crisp and fruity pale ale, as a result of thinking about “the best drink after a sauna”. The beer has a crisp, dry mouthfeel with almost no bitterness, a fruity aroma like white grapes from Nelson Sauvin hops, and a passion fruit aroma from Simcoe. The taste is dry like champagne, and the use of Nelson Sauvin as a dry hop gives it a white grape-like aroma. The addition of Simcoe hops adds a layer of fruity flavor. We hope you enjoy it after your sauna!
◯ Product Outline
ABV : 5.0% IBU : 15
IBU : 15
Volume : 330ml
Retail price (tax included): 850 yen
Label design
Harusaka (illustrator): https://www.instagram.com/harusaka___/
Bottled beer available at
The beer will go on sale on August 5, 2024 (Monday), and shipments will begin sequentially.
Sauna and bathing facilities in Yokohama City
Sky Spa YOKOHAMA: https://www.skyspa.co.jp
HARE-TABI SAUNA & INN YOKOHAMA: https://hare-tabi.jp
Kameyukan: https://kiyuukan0st.wixsite.com/sento
Natural hot spring Manten no Yu: https://mantennoyu.com
Tsunashima-sen Yukemurinosho: https://www.instagram.com/tsunashima_yukemurinosyou/
Sauna Yugezo: https://yugezo.com/
HUBHUB Yokohama Tennocho: https://hubhub.jp/facility/yokohama-tennocho/
Yokohama Beer Main Store UMAYA
On Monday, August 5, 2024, Yokohama Beer Main Store “UMAYA” 1st floor beer stand from 4:00 p.m., 2nd floor restaurant from 5:00 p.m. On Monday, August 5, Head Brewer Kato will be serving beer at the 1st floor beer stand from around 7:30 p.m! Please note that bottled beer will be available only for take-out and on draft.
Yokohama Chinatown Sa Restaurant
・馬さんの店龍仙 本店
・馬さんの店龍仙 上海園
Seven-Eleven Yokohama Hammerhead Store
Please note that the date of sale may be delayed depending on the facility or store.
Please check the SNS and HP of each facility for sales status.
Draft beer will be sold at beer bars and restaurants.
Special Event 2: Yokohama Sa Travel BINGO Stamp Rally
A limited-time stamp rally will be held, where visitors can win luxurious prizes by completing bingo at sauna facilities, restaurants, tourist attractions, etc. in Yokohama. The prizes include free tickets for Yokohama beer, admission tickets to sauna facilities, useful goods for sauna activities, etc. The prizes become more and more gorgeous depending on the number of bingos. Please take this opportunity to enjoy Yokohama SATABLI.
Yokohama SaTabi BINGO Stamp Rally Project Outline
Period: August 5 (Monday) to September 30 (Monday), 2024
Prizes to be awarded: [1 Bingo Prize
1 Bingo Prize】 Complete one line vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.
Free ticket to Yokohama Beer (UMAYA) or original bottle opener magnet
3 Bingo】 Complete any three lines vertically, horizontally or diagonally.
Free admission ticket to a sauna facility of your choice (details vary depending on the facility)
Eligible facilities: Manten no Yu, Hare-Tabi Sauna, Sky Spa, Kameyukan, Sauna Yugezo
Complete Prize】 Completed by getting all stamps!
Goods from popular manufacturers useful for sauna activities (first-come, first-served basis; ends when all stamps are gone)
How to participate
Obtain a “Yokohama Sa Travel BINGO Stamp Card” at any of the sauna facilities listed below.
❷ Collect stamps by visiting facilities and aim for bingo!
❸ Get prizes for 1 bingo and 3 bingos!
❹ Complete the tour and get goods useful for sakatsu! (*First-come, first-served; ends when all the prizes are gone)
(*First-come, first-served; ends as soon as they are gone) *Please check the stamp card for prize exchange locations.
◯ Facilities where the Yokohama Sa-Tabi BINGO Stamp Rally is held
Sky Spa YOKOHAMA: https://www.skyspa.co.jp
HARE-TABI SAUNA & INN YOKOHAMA: https://hare-tabi.jp
KAMEYUKAN: https://kiyuukan0st.wixsite.com/sento
o Natural hot spring Manten no Yu: https://mantennoyu.com
o Yokohama Marine Tower: https://marinetower.yokohama/
Sauna King’s sahimei recommended stores (Fenglin, Taoyuanmura, Aoba, Ma’s store Ryusen Honten, Ma’s store Shanghai Yuan)
o Yokohama Beer Main Store UMAYA 1F beer stand
o Convenience store of Yokohama Hammerhead
Special Event 3: Yokohama Sa-Tabi Summer Festival in Manten-no-Yu
Plenty of content! A heat wave event with world-class Aufgussmasters active in Yokohama, a talk show with Sauna King Ota and Ambassador Aoi Kohinata, and the “Yokohama Sa Travel Festival” with super luxury sauna-related goods and free facility tickets will be held on August 20, 2024 (Tuesday).
Event Summary
Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2024 17:00-22:30
Location: Natural Hot Spring Manten no Yu (3-1-1 Kamihoshikawa, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture)
Access: 1 minute walk from South Exit of Kamihoshikawa Station
Fee: Event fee 3,700 yen (Aufguss not included: 300-500 yen/each)
Includes bathing fee, rental towel, and a bottle of “Yokohama Sabli Beer” for toasting.
*Advance reservations required: purchase tickets in advance at [Mantendo] https://mantennoyu.stores.jp/
Yokohama Sa-tabi Executive Committee
HARE-TABI SAUNA & INN : https://hare-tabi.jp
Yokohama Beer: http://www.yokohamabeer.com/
Natural hot spring Manten no Yu: https://mantennoyu.com
Sauna King Mr. Ota: https://www.rakurakuhd.co.jp
Gen Shoten (GEN Corporation): https://genshoten.com https://gen-firm.jp
Spa Works: https://spaworks.jp
*In no particular order
◼︎ “Yokohama Sa Travel” official SNS accounts
◼︎ “Yokohama Sa Travel” official ambassador
Aoi Kohinata
– Profile – Aoi Kohinata
Aoi Kohinata has been selected as one of the “Yokohama FC Girls”, the cheering navigators of Yokohama FC (through 2022), and as a model belonging to “Yokohama Bishojo Zukan”, which has produced many national actresses, and was selected for the cover of the magazine. In 2023, she also served as the Police Chief of Isesaki Police Station for one day. A native of Sendai, she is also a member of the “Kepatte Tohoku” project to support the Tohoku region. Her hobbies are drinking and sauna, and she has about 50,000 TikTok followers.
[Yokohama Sa Travel Executive Committee Contact]
Publicity: Hayato Yamano, SPAWORKS, Inc.
E-mail address hay.606.hay@gmail.com
Official website https://spaworks.jp/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/spa_works.co/
X https://x.com/spa_works_co
[Background of Gen Shoten’s participation]
The sauna hat towels of Gen Shoten were developed through many, many tests of actual experimental products, mainly at SKY SPA YOKOHAMA, Manten no Yu, and Kameyukan, during the product development process. Through this project, we would be happy if many people could experience the excellence of Yokohama’s sauna facilities and enjoy the city of Yokohama with us.
For more information on the background of the product development, please take a look at the following.
A material that was taken for granted became a grand challenge, a seed of possibilities for the future. Behind the scenes of Gen Shoten’s challenge to develop “Sauna Hat Towel” in pursuit of a uniquely comfortable sauna experience | PR TIMES STORY