横浜サウナスタンプラリー実施のお知らせ 3月15日〜4月7日 | おすすめキャンペーン情報

源商店は、2024年3月15日〜4月7日の期間に開催される、ちいさなサウナ村 横浜第三弾スペシャル企画「2024横浜サウナスタンプラリー -横蒸印巡- 」に協賛いたします。



[源商店 スタンプラリー協賛の背景]
当たり前だった素材が未来への可能性の種となる壮大なチャレンジに。他にはない快適なサウナ体験を追求した「サウナハットタオル」を開発した源商店の挑戦の裏側 | PR TIMES STORY

2024横浜サウナスタンプラリー [横蒸印巡]
ちいさなサウナ村 横浜第三弾スペシャル企画
賞品抽選会場:ちいさなサウナ村 マルイシティ横浜B1
1 4施設の店頭 または ちいさなサウナ村でスタンプカードを入手
2 4施設をめぐって入浴し、すべてのスタンプを集めよう
3 ちいさなサウナ村&6ブランドのXアカウントをフォローする(サウナジャンキーズ、ハリネズミ、源商店、SAUNOI、HUKKA DESIGN/Osmia、12munites.sauna)
4 ちいさなサウナ村へ訪問・抽選・賞品ゲット! \ぜひお買い物を!/
#横浜サウナスタンプラリー でご投稿をお願いします!
・期間中は何度でもご参加可能です ※1日に可能な抽選は1回のみとさせていただきます。
キャンペーン賞品参加ブランド:ハリネズミ、サウナジャンキーズ、源商店、SAUNOI、HUKKA DESIGN、12munites.sauna
4つの施設情報 各社ホームページをご確認ください。
スカイスパYOKOHAMA https://www.skyspa.co.jp/
天然温泉満天の湯 https://mantennoyu.com/
亀遊舘 https://kiyuukan0st.wixsite.com/sento
HARE-TABI SAUNA&INN YOKOHAMA https://hare-tabi.jp/
ちいさなサウナ村 https://twitter.com/chiisanasauna37
Yokohama Sauna Stamp Rally to be held March 15-April 7 | Recommended Campaign Information
GEN SHO-TEN will co-sponsor the “2024 Yokohama Sauna Stamp Rally”, the third special project of Chiisana Sauna Village Yokohama, which will be held from March 15 to April 7, 2024.
This stamp rally organized by Chiisana Sauna Mura is a special project in which brands exhibiting at Chiisana Sauna Mura work together with the cooperation of four facilities in Yokohama and Marui City Yokohama.
By visiting all four facilities and collecting stamps from each, visitors to Chiisana Sauna Village will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win sauna-related goods.
GEN SHO-TEN is sponsoring 10 sauna hat towels (completely limited edition) with the event tour tag as event prizes. Other popular brands have also prepared luxurious goods for this project, which will greatly enhance saunas in Yokohama.
Please take this opportunity to visit the four facilities and the Chiisana Sauna Village in Yokohama and participate in the stamp rally to get the goods.
And when you finally visit Chiisana Sauna Village, please enjoy the lottery and take a look at the various goods. You can also test wearing the sauna hat towel, so please feel free to ask us for help.
[Background of Gen Shoten’s sponsorship].
The sauna hat towel of GEN SHO-TEN was developed by testing the product over and over again, mainly at SKY SPA YOKOHAMA, Manten no Yu, and Kiyukan, when the product was being developed. Through this stamp rally project, we would be very happy if many people could experience the splendor of these four unique facilities and enjoy the city of Yokohama together.
Please take a look at the background of the product development below, if you would like to know more.
Outline of the event
2024 Yokohama Sauna Stamp Rally
Chiisana Sauna Mura Yokohama 3rd special project
Let’s visit 4 sauna facilities and Chiisana Sauna Village in Yokohama and get limited items!
Schedule: March 15 – April 7, 2024
Target facilities: Sky Spa YOKOHAMA, Natural Hot Spring Manten no Yu, Kameyukan, and HARETABI SAUNA&INN YOKOHAMA
Prize drawing site: Chiisana Sauna Village, Marui City Yokohama B1
How to participate
1 Get a stamp card at any of the four facilities or at the Little Sauna Village.
2 Visit the 4 facilities and collect all the stamps.
3 Follow the X accounts of Cheetah Sauna Village & 6 brands (Sauna Junkies, HARINEZUMI, GEN SHO-TEN, SAUNOI, HUKKA DESIGN/Osmia, 12munites.sauna)
4 Visit the tiny sauna village, draw lots and win prizes! \ “Please come and shop! /
Please submit your entry with #Yokohama Sauna Stamp Rally!
Please note
The drawing for prizes will be held at Chiisana Sauna Village. Please come directly to the sauna village.
You can participate as many times as you like during the period.
You can participate as many times as you like during the period. You cannot have more than one stamp
on your card at the same time.
Please note that prizes cannot be redeemed after April 8.
If you have any questions or inquiries about this project, please contact Chiisana Sauna Village. Please note that we will not be able to respond to inquiries about the remaining prizes.
Please refrain from contacting the 4 sauna facilities as they will not be able to respond to any questions or inquiries regarding the stamp rally.
Organizer: Chiisana Sauna Village (Marui City Yokohama B1F)
Campaign prize participating brands: HARINEZUMI, Sauna Junkies, GEN SHO-TEN, SAUNOI, HUKKA DESIGN, 12munites.sauna
Please check each company’s website for information on the four facilities.
Sky Spa YOKOHAMA https://www.skyspa.co.jp/
Manten no Yu https://mantennoyu.com/
Kiyukan https://kiyuukan0st.wixsite.com/sento
HARE-TABI SAUNA&INN YOKOHAMA https://hare-tabi.jp/
See here for information
Chiisana Sauna Village https://twitter.com/chiisanasauna37