東京ギフトショーLIFE&DESIGN サウナフェアvol.4に出展[9月6日〜8日]
![東京ギフトショーLIFE&DESIGN サウナフェアvol.4に出展[9月6日〜8日]](https://genshoten.com/dist/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/main.jpg)
源商店は、2023年9月6日から8日まで開催中の、日本最大のギフト・生活雑貨の国際見本市「東京インターナショナルギフトショー」のLIFE&DESIGN サウナフェアvol4に出展しています。

サウナを愛するライフスタイルブランド[PITECAN THROPUS]、PUNKとサウナの融合をテーマに活動するブランド[SAUNA JUNKIES]、コラージュアートを得意とするアートディレクター[KOSUKE FUJISAWA]とのコラボレーションデザインを制作展示。

東京インターナショナルギフトショー LIFE&DESIGN サウナフェア入場登録はこちら
Exhibited at Tokyo Gift Show LIFE&DESIGN Sauna Fair vol.4 [September 6-8]
GEN Sho-ten is exhibiting at LIFE&DESIGN Sauna Fair vol. 4 of the Tokyo International Gift Show, Japan’s largest international trade fair for gifts and household goods, being held from September 6 to 8, 2023.
Under the theme of “Design Expands the Way to Enjoy Sauna,” we propose the sauna habit of enjoying designed towels just as you enjoy T-shirts.
Collaboration design with PITECAN THROPUS, a lifestyle brand that loves sauna, SAUNA JUNKIES, a brand that works on the theme of fusion of PUNK and sauna, and KOSUKE FUJISAWA, an art director who specializes in collage art, will be Exhibit.
Sauna Hat Towel, with its five cover functions as they are, will add color to the sauna room space and sauna time by changing its design. Please enjoy the towels that change their expression depending on the way they are covered.
In the exhibition hall, several samples of OEM designs that have been custom-ordered by various businesses are on display.
We look forward to meeting with many businesses, including bath facilities, brands, and sports teams, as we strengthen our production of OEM and custom-made sauna hat towels in the future.
Sauna Hat Towel is registered as a utility model, pending overseas design registration, and trademark registration.