1枚のタオルがサウナ体験を変える「サウナハットタオル」 ハンズ、ロフトで初の店頭販売開始


今年11月の新発売直後よりメディアやSNSで「こういうのほしかった!」「これはサウナーにうれしい!」と話題となりAmazonでベストセラー商品に。数日で完売となり品薄状態が続いていましたが、この度、お客さまのニーズに応えたいと考え12月より全国のハンズ(38店舗)、ロフト(12店舗)計50店舗で販売を開始することになりました。1枚のタオルでサウナ体験を変える 「サウナハットタオル」を店頭で実際に手に取り、体験できる機会ができました。
<ハンズ取り扱い店> 38店舗
<ロフト取り扱い店> 12店舗

サウナハットタオル 製品仕様
品名:サウナハットタオル LOT301 *実用新案登録済・商標登録出願中
今治タオルブランド認定商品 / SEK加工(抗菌・防臭加工認証済み)
製造元:日本産 / 検針済
サイズ:約 W880×H300mm(男女兼用レギュラーサイズ)
カラー:5色(カーキ / ネイビー / グレー / ベージュ / ブラック)
JAN:4595644410019(カーキ) / 4595644410026(ネイビー) / 4595644410033(グレー) / 4595644410040(ベージュ) / 4595644410057(ブラック)

A single towel changes the sauna experience “Sauna Hat Towel” First in-store sales at Hands and Loft.
Sauna Hat Towel,” which became a hot topic on SNS, to go on sale at Hands and Loft household goods stores nationwide (50 stores in total) from mid-December 2022.
GEN Corporation (headquartered in Yokohama), which operates Gen Shoten, a company that delivers everyday good products, will begin selling the “Sauna Hat Towel,” which was released on November 11, 2022 and immediately after its release became a hot topic in the media and on SNS, at Hands and Loft stores nationwide (50 stores in total) starting in mid-December.
Sauna Hat Towel” changes the sauna experience with a single towel.
The “Sauna Hat Towel” was created in pursuit of a comfortable sauna experience by incorporating the concept of “covering” into a towel, a necessity for bathing. Seven buttons made of a material that does not get too hot are placed on a towel of a size designed with sauna scenes and ease of wiping the body in mind. With a single button closure, the towel can be transformed into five different patterns, including a sauna hat to protect the head and hair from heat, a sauna mask that greatly reduces suffocation in the sauna room, and an eye cover that can be used for meditation and relaxation in the open air. With just this one piece, you can enjoy a higher grade sauna experience, including bathing, sauna, and outdoor air bath.
*Imabari towel brand certified product
*Utility model registered, trademark registration pending
Sales will begin in mid-December 2022 at Hands and Loft stores nationwide (50 stores in total).
Immediately after its launch in November of this year, the product has been receiving a lot of positive feedback from the media and SNS, with comments such as “I’ve always wanted something like this! and “This is great for saunner!” and became a best-selling product on Amazon. and “This is great for saunas!” and became a best-selling product on Amazon. The product sold out within a few days and was in short supply. We hope that you will have the opportunity to try our “Sauna Hat Towel” in person at one of our stores.
For more information on the Sauna Hat Towel, please see the press release.
A new concept! A single towel can change the sauna experience. Sauna Hat Towel” is now on sale.
Sauna Hat Towel Sales Stores
*Please note that some stores may be out of stock.
<Hands stores> 38 stores
Hokkaido area
【Hokkaido】 Hands Sapporo Store
Tohoku area
【Miyagi】HANDS Sendai Store
Kanto area
【Tokyo】 Hands Shinjuku Store, Hands Shibuya Store, Hands Shibuya Scramble Square Store, Hands Tokyo Store, Hands Ginza Store, Hands Kitasenju Store, Hands LaLaport Toyosu Store, Hands LaLaport Tachikawa Tachihi Store, Hands Machida Store 【Kanagawa】 Hands Yokohama Store, Hands LaLaport Yokohama Store, Hands LaLaport Shonan Hiratsuka Store【Chiba】Hands Chiba Store, Hands Kashiwa Store 【Saitama】 Hands Omiya Store, Hands LaLaport Fujimi Store 【Gunma】Hands Takasaki Store
Chubu area
【Nagano】 Hands Nagano Store【Shizuoka】 Hands Hamamatsu Store【Ishikawa】Hands Kanazawa Store
Kinki area
【Osaka】Hands Umeda Store, Hands Shinsaibashi Store, Hands Abeno Q’s Mall Store, Hands Esaka Store【Kyoto】 Hands Kyoto Store 【Hyogo】Hands Amagasaki Cuse Mall Store Hands Himeji Store
China area
【Okayama】Hands Okayama Store 【Hiroshima】Hands Hiroshima Store
Shikoku area
【Ehime】Hands Matsuyama Store
Kyushu area
【Fukuoka】Hands Hakata Store 【Nagasaki】Hands Nagasaki Store 【Kumamoto】Hands Kumamoto Store 【Oita】Hands Oita Store 【Kagoshima】Hands Kagoshima Store
<Loft stores > 12 stores
Hokkaido area
【Hokkaido】 Sapporo Loft 【Miyagi】 Sendai Loft 【Chiba】 Chiba Loft
Kanto area
【Tokyo】 Shibuya Loft, Kichijoji Loft, Ginza Loft 【Kanagawa】 Kawasaki Loft, Yokohama Loft
Chubu area
【Gifu】Gifu Loft 【Aichi】Loft Nagoya
Kinki area
【Osaka】 Umeda Loft
Kyushu area
【Kagoshima】 Kagoshima Loft
Product Outline
Product name: Sauna Hat Towel LOT301 *Utility model registered, trademark registration pending
Imabari Towel Brand Certified Product / SEK processing (antibacterial and deodorant processing certified)
Manufacturer: Made in Japan / Inspected by needle
Material: 100% cotton
Size: approx. W880 x H300 mm (regular size for both men and women)
Color: 5 colors (khaki / navy / gray / beige / black)
Price: 3,400 yen + tax (3,740 yen including tax)
JAN: 4595644410019 (khaki) / 4595644410026 (navy) / 4595644410033 (gray) / 4595644410040 (beige) / 4595644410057 (black)
Sales: On sale sequentially from November 11, 2022
*Black color is not available at Hands and Loft.
Delivering everyday good products by utilizing unique resources.
We plan, develop, and sell new products based on the concept of “delivering everyday good products” by utilizing the resources of factories in Japan and overseas.
Not bound by preconceived notions or established products, we look at new markets and the hints they offer, and effectively utilize the attractive resources of factories to develop and sell products that enrich our daily lives.